Catherine Winter

Senior Editor
Catherine Winter edits podcasts, documentaries, and series projects for APM Reports, including the investigative podcast In the Dark. She also edits the podcast The Uncertain Hour for Marketplace. Previously, she was Minnesota Public Radio's legal affairs reporter and later produced stories and live programs from Minnesota's small towns for MPR's Mainstreet Radio unit. She was senior producer for The Really Big Questions from SoundVision Productions, editor of the Us and Them podcast, and editor of Inside Appalachia from West Virginia Public Broadcasting. Her stories have appeared on NPR, PRI's The World, and Marketplace. Catherine's national awards for producing and editing include the DuPont Award, the ABA Silver Gavel, the Unity Award, the Gracie Award, the Casey Medal and the Peabody Award. She has a master's degree in journalism from UC Berkeley and a master's in English and linguistics from the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she taught writing and journalism. She writes for and edits the Ask a Master Gardener column for the Duluth News Tribune.